Pulled Pork

For 8 persons
Preparation time : 10 min
Cooking time : 8h


- 1 pork loin

- 1 tsp of salt

- 1 tsp oregano

- 1 tsp of sugar

- 1 tbsp brown sugar

- 2 tbsp paprika

- 1 tbsp onion powder

- 1 tsp garlic powder

- 125mL apple juice

- olive oil


1/ In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients (salt, sugar, brown sugar, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika).

2/ Massage the pork loin with olive oil until the meat is impregnated

3/ Apply the marinade generously to the entire surface of the loin.

4/ Program the Meat°it + application to a personalized cooking setting of 93°C and insert the probe into the thickest part of the loin.

5/ Baste the meat regularly with apple juice.

6/ From 70°C onwards, the temperature will increase less quickly (this is called the floor). To make it go faster, put the meat in a dish with a little apple juice in the bottom and cover it with aluminium foil.

7/ Remove the meat from the oven when you receive the end of cooking notification and pull the pork loin apart.


Recipe suggested by Rafa's barbecue

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